
Action block allows integration between Talkie and Hubspot to create or record leads real time

Hubspot is a popular CRM of choice for all kinds of businesses. Although it has grown to offer other functions like ticketing, email automation, etc.. it is primarily being used by businesses as their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool.

With this integration, you will be able to create a contact on Hubspot realtime based on the details collected by the bot.

How do I set it up?

To set up the integration between Talkie and Hubspot, you can follow the following steps;

  • Add an action block on canvas by clicking '+'

  • Choose 'Hubspot'

  • Double click on 'Hubspot' to configure it on the right panel

    • Connect the account: Connect your Hubspot account by authorising the access and choose the account from the list Hubspot's authorisation will open on a new window. Please make sure that you have not blocked pop-up window from being opened.

    • Map the fields: Map the fields of hubspot with the variables that you used to collect and store information of the visitors. Hubspot fields are auto-pouplated, whereas in the variables columns you would need to write the variable by typing '#' to see the list of variables. Depending on the field type, Talkie would automatically display the variable column.

Last updated